
Showing posts from June, 2022

Troubleshooting A Garage Door Opener

Even the most patient person can be frustrated by a broken  garage door opener . Fortunately, there are a couple of simple ways to troubleshoot a garage door opener and get it working again quickly. Here are a few things to look into before scheduling a service call.   IF YOUR DOOR DOES NOT CLOSE Examine the Safety Sensors Safety sensors in garage door systems prevent the heavy door from crushing anything in its path. If your garage door does not close or only partially closes, the problem could be with your safety sensors rather than the opener. First, make sure nothing is in their way. Most garage door sensors are a few inches off the ground on each side of the door frame. When there is nothing between the sensors in most systems, they light up. If yours aren't working, they could be faulty or misaligned. Try aligning them by making sure they face each other. If they are even slightly crooked, the door may not close properly.   We do not recommend attempt...